Thursday, March 28, 2024

Interactive Grid Automatic column calculation Using JavaScript


Interactive Grid Automatic column calculation Using JavaScript

Hello viewers welcome to my new video how to calculate oracle apex interactive grid columns using JavaScript.

Step: 1 : First go the interactive grid page

Step: 2 :Then go the Event > Change > Create a Dynamic action > dynamic action properties >when column > give the column name> UNIT_PRICE,QUANTITY

Step 3 :  True Action > Execute JavaScript Code.



var unitPrice = ($v("T_UNIT") !== '') ? parseFloat($v("T_UNIT")) : 0;

var quantity = ($v("T_QUANTITY") !== '') ? parseFloat($v("T_QUANTITY")) : 0;


var totalAmount = 0;


if (!isNaN(unitPrice) && !isNaN(quantity)) {

    totalAmount = unitPrice * quantity;



$s('DEMO_ORDER_TOTAL', totalAmount);



This JavaScript code appears to be calculating a total amount based on unit price and quantity, then updating a field named "DEMO_ORDER_TOTAL" with the calculated value. Let's break down each part:

  1. Variable Declarations:
    • unitPrice: It's assigned the value of the field "T_UNIT" if it's not an empty string; otherwise, it's assigned 0.
    • quantity: It's assigned the value of the field "T_QUANTITY" if it's not an empty string; otherwise, it's assigned 0.
    • totalAmount: Initialized to 0. This variable will store the total calculated amount.
  1. Conditional Statements:
    • There are conditional (ternary) statements used to check if the values obtained from the fields "T_UNIT" and "T_QUANTITY" are not empty strings. If they are not empty, the values are converted to floating-point numbers using parseFloat(). If they are empty, the values are set to 0.
  1. Calculation:
    • If both unitPrice and quantity are valid numbers (not NaN), it calculates the total amount by multiplying unitPrice by quantity.
  1. Update Field:
    • Finally, the calculated totalAmount is assigned to the field "DEMO_ORDER_TOTAL" using $s() function, which presumably updates the value displayed in a UI element.

Here's a simplified breakdown of the code flow:

  • Get values of unitPrice and quantity from respective fields.
  • Check if both values are valid numbers.
  • If yes, calculate the total amount.
  • Update the field "DEMO_ORDER_TOTAL" with the calculated total amount.

This code is likely used in a web application or some environment where JavaScript is executed to perform dynamic calculations and update the UI accordingly.

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